Tag Archives: man

Of Course I Missed the First!

Well, as is typical for my lack of attention to detail lately or just my random memory I forgot that yesterday I was to begin a poem a day for the month of April. I guess there went that goal BUT I shall continue with today at least. I won’t let anyone believe that each day will harvest greatness but why not at least give it a very good attempt. So here is my April 2nd poem.

English: Water drops on glass in setting Sun l...

Receiving Exposure

Seeing for the first time.
Crossed his legs, casually
with that sound of fabric
the way it brushes together louder than you realize
but, only in your own mind.
How it must feel
to feel that material
stretched taut against lean muscle.
Let’s make a baby.
There is no other way for me to drop my spoon.
Lost in my own erotic thoughts the utensil
has now lost complete use in my hand.
Thick eyelashes swat smooth skin
as you laugh at the joke.
Your arms flex, move, then across the table
reaching for the water-glass.
I gasp audibly as the fluid lingers on your lips
in the same moment you lick.
Let’s make a baby.
Glued now to my seat not only by
hot summer sun warming me but,
being betrayed by my own weak legs.
It will turn out right.
Settling back in my chair I can’t help but smile.
As if my need finally caught up to you,
blue eyes linger in my direction.
I wonder if there is a way
To make you my baby.


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If there is any magic in this world...

The world can be amazing when you are slightly … strange!


Real. Life. Experienced.


Poetry, story and real life. Once soldier, busnessman, grandfather and Poet.

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