Tag Archives: happiness

Honey, I’m Home Early

looking upAt the very moment no one anticipates
a problem, it happens.
Your world changes to something unrecognizable
yet it’s oddly calming in the same notion.
Day-to-day struggles, stresses and concerns
melt away in that moment.
Even though new worries can set
a blurred frenzy of doubt for the future.
Bills, gas, groceries, then a petulant child at the store
who may not survive without a new toy.
It just feels like it will be manageable.
I have to wonder if it is not the optimism of the middle class.
Those of us that have managed to tape and paste a modest life
for ourselves and our families.
Seems we were always one paycheck away from
having to move in with Aunt Rita.
As I turn in my keys.
Turn in my identification.
Throwing a tantrum in my head screaming, “You idiots!!”
Warm sun hits my face as I exit the building one final time.


Just another WordPress.com site


snap, flash, glow

If there is any magic in this world...

The world can be amazing when you are slightly … strange!


Real. Life. Experienced.


Poetry, story and real life. Once soldier, busnessman, grandfather and Poet.

Fiammisday Blog Come Vestire i Bambini

Come vestire i bambini? Fiammisday, il Blog di moda per mamme e bambini che ti consiglia l’outfit giusto per ogni occasione

The Official How To Blog

The official site of how to-ing.


on Life, Love, Loss, Laughter & Larrikins

Drops of Ink

by Phoebe

The ancient eavesdropper

Nature's nuances in a nutshell

A Word in Your Ear

Stories and Photographs of my travels, Tales of friends, family, animals and my life

Rejoice for the Day

Life, Style, Nutrition, and Sewing

Hamburg und Mee(h)r

Nicht nur für Hamburger !

The Better Man Project

the story of a human being unfolding

The Daily Post

The Art and Craft of Blogging