Tag Archives: daisies

Casual Glance

Look closer.
So much more beyond
surface pains layered through the years.
Delve into my mind,
to find the fantasy I guard.

At one time you toyed with the key.
Parting from an everyday route to work.
Flowers, candy and promises as fragile as
your ego.
You struggled with your own betrayals.
Leaving me to my dreams.
Swimming in the fantasy I guard.

I sat at the bottom of my wall
built with cruelty and fear.
Finding I longed for you,
to make you laugh with my wit.
Wondering if I might learn
how to dance around power struggles.
Planting daisies in the fantasy I guard.

Our love affair mentally sketched out in a three-minute play,
after our accidental bump at the art show.
Fickle notions of forever
seem too long for the damaged.
Eternity is that day you forgot to call.
Infinity in that night I never came home.
Losing myself within the fantasy I guard.


Just another WordPress.com site


snap, flash, glow

If there is any magic in this world...

The world can be amazing when you are slightly … strange!


Real. Life. Experienced.


Poetry, story and real life. Once soldier, busnessman, grandfather and Poet.

Fiammisday Blog Come Vestire i Bambini

Come vestire i bambini? Fiammisday, il Blog di moda per mamme e bambini che ti consiglia l’outfit giusto per ogni occasione

The Official How To Blog

The official site of how to-ing.


on Life, Love, Loss, Laughter & Larrikins

Drops of Ink

by Phoebe

The ancient eavesdropper

Nature's nuances in a nutshell

A Word in Your Ear

Stories and Photographs of my travels, Tales of friends, family, animals and my life

Rejoice for the Day

Life, Style, Nutrition, and Sewing

Hamburg und Mee(h)r

Nicht nur für Hamburger !

The Better Man Project

the story of a human being unfolding

The Daily Post

The Art and Craft of Blogging